Lee Youngman Galleries

Born in Texas in 1953, John Cogan's studies include an MA in physics from Texas A&M University, a Ph.D. in physics from Rice University, and many years of independent study in the art of painting.

Cogan has been honored with many awards for his landscapes of the Western United States, including Arts for the Parks top 100 Exhibition in 1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, and 1999. He received Landscape Award of Merit in 1994, Collectors Award in 1995, Individual Juror award in 1996, and three paintings were selected for posters by Images of America.

He has enjoyed special projects, the most recent being Grand Canyon Landscape Painters Expedition sponsored by the Grand Canyon Trust, September 1999. Fifteen artists rafted down the Colorado River and painted the inner canyon to increase awareness of the fragile environment of the Grand Canyon.

The art of John Cogan has been featured in Southwest Art, Art of the West (1990 and 1995), Who's Who in American Art, Who's Who in America, 2000, and The Majesty of the Grand Canyon.

Cogan's many one-man and groups shows have resulted in numerous commission in private and public collections. His paintings can be found at San Juan College, Bernalillo County Courthouse in New Mexico, and Burlington Resources.

Not only successful as a fine painter, John Cogan is also a published author. These articles include "Landscape Painting Pitfalls", The Artist's Magazine, Sept. 1993, "Capitalize on the Versatility of Acrylic", Art Materials Today, Sept/Oct. 1994, and "The Varied Faces of Acrylic", The Artist's Magazine, Sept. 1995.

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