Lee Youngman Galleries

Will Peterson

Will Peterson has always had an interest working with wood.  He built stilts, scooters, coasters, and kites as a child.  In high school, he had his first opportunity to do wood turning.  As an adult he worked as a carpenter on a great number of residential and commercial buildings in a career spanning forty-four years.

Upon retiring from the construction industry in 2000, he finally had time to build a shop and started to work on polychromatic wood turning.  He draws a great deal of satisfaction working with a variety of colored woods, sometimes using plywood and oriented strand board (OSB).  Some of the shapes used in his pieces are classical types found in glass and pottery.  Others are inspired by ethnic art.  The beauty of natural wood and the challenge of creating an artistic blend of compatible colors and grain are a constant inspiration to Will.

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"Wood Vessel #81"

"Wood Vessel #11"

"Wood Vessel #82"


"Wood Vessel #71"

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